About Top Employers
CollegeGrad has been conducting the Top Employers surveys for more than 15 years as a way to recognize employers who hire large numbers of US college students (Top Intern Employers), college graduates (Top Entry Level Employers) and Master's graduates (Top Master's Employers). Participating in the survey provides employers with two benefits: 1) a Top Employers award based on hiring ranking; and 2) additional exposure to qualified job seekers. It is a great way to increase your employer branding at no cost.
CollegeGrad announces the results in an annual press release that highlights hiring trends and new employers, with selected quotes from participating employers. (Read the 2022 release)
What is "Entry Level"?
For our Entry Level ranking we include permanent, salaried positions in the United States requiring a college degree and internship experience of a year or less. Hourly, independent or positions where pay is commission-only are not included.
What is "Intern" or "Internship"?
Internship hires must be paid positions that provide professional experience. Usually, these positions are offered during the summer months, after the spring college semester ends and before the fall semester begins, but can also include concurrent and/or co-op positions. Many employers divide internship hiring numbers between Entry Level and Master's.
What is "Master's"?
Master's hires are permanent, salaried positions in the United States that require an advanced college degree.
Every spring, CollegeGrad.com releases the Top Employers for the year, detailing which Employers plan the most Entry Level, Internship, and Master's level hires. If you are an employer who plans to have multiple hires in any of these categories, you can be included simply by filling out our online survey. Participation is free and the survey takes only a few minutes. Every employer included in the rankings will receive a Top Employers award graphic for the specific level of hiring and will be listed on our site as a Top Employer.