Entry level job seekers get a lot of bad advice. Some of this is due to the rapidly changing world in which we live. Much of the advice about cover letters is outdated. Even the term "cover letter" is dated. So here is some up ...
As you take time off to enjoy your winter holiday break, you might be tempted to just sit back and relax, doing little or nothing. Yet right now you have a luxury available to you that is typically scarce while classes are in session: time ...
Your entry level resume won't get you the job, but a poorly formatted resume can keep you from getting the interview in the first place. Avoid these six common formatting errors: 1. Too long Your entry level resume should be one page, no longer ...
Now is the Time to Start Your Employment Search If you are eyeing your last few semesters or quarters of college with trepidation because your time in school is winding down and the time to begin your career in the workforce is quickly approaching, you ...
If you're a recent or soon-to-be college graduate, the economic cycles and news about job market uncertainty may have you concerned about getting a job, particularly if you've already searched and come up short. Don't panic. There are a few ...
Out of the more than 100,000 resumes I have reviewed, only about 10,000 resulted in actual interviews. So 9 out of 10 ended up in the virtual trashcan. Here are the top 5 reasons your resume didn't get the interview: 1. It ...
I've conducted over 10,000 interviews in my career. Most were good to excellent interviews. Yet there are a few memorably stupid things that candidates have said to me as they sat there in the interview (and no, none of these candidates got the ...
Many job seekers repeat the same common mistakes, often not even realizing that they are making a mistake. I've seen a lot of mistakes, but these eight are the most common: 1. Post and pray. This is a term we use on the employer ...
Does your resume suck? Are you sure? Here are some ways to measure the suckiness of your resume: 1. You're getting no responses. OK, it could be the way you're sending it out . Or that you're applying for jobs for which you ...
If you're completing your college work and preparing to enter the work force, groundwork is everything. With today's challenging economy, finding your way in a highly competitive job market can be a daunting proposal. Your competition is already doing push-ups and cardio ...