If you have a low GPA, is all lost in the interview? Yes, low GPA can be a knockout factor, but not necessarily. It depends on how you handle the issue. There is no question that a low GPA can and will have an impact ...
Networking is often a difficult concept for most college students. Throughout your college career, the academic work you have done has typically focused on individual effort. A team approach may exist in some classes and labs, but at the end of the day the grade ...
College students often lament their lack of network connections in searching for a job. “Who would I know working in my profession, since I haven’t even started working yet?” Yet there is a resource available to you that most college students fail to utilize ...
You’re coming down to the final stretch. You are almost finished with your classes and the parties seem to be spilling over from the weekends into the weekdays. Some of your peers are even cutting final classes, thinking that a passing grade is really ...
In my career as a hiring manager through VP, I have reviewed approximately 100,000 resumes, conducted more than 10,000 interviews and hired more than 2,000 people at all levels. I have found that there is a consistent missing key for college students ...
I’ve been told over the years by interviewees that I was their toughest interview ever. Now, I know what you’re thinking—it sounds like I’m a tough, mean interviewer. Actually, far from it. I’m a very relaxed interviewer and my overall ...
With college graduation nearing, I am often asked by concerned parents, family members and friends, “What can I do to help?” Here are three things you can do to help the new college grad in your life find a job after graduation. 1. Be a ...
Every year, without fail, students walk into their campus career center and ask for a copy of “The List” of employers they should contact. Somehow they think there must be some sort of magical “list” of employers who are waiting for them to graduate. The ...
Many colleges and universities have an internal job board where employers post entry level jobs and internships. While it might be tempting to rely exclusively on these internally posted jobs, by doing so you would be missing out on the majority of entry level jobs ...
In my career as a hiring manager through VP, I have reviewed approximately 100,000 resumes, conducted more than 10,000 interviews and hired more than 2,000 people at all levels. Do the math: for every 100 resumes reviewed, only 10 result in interviews ...
You had a great interview. Everything went great, you expected an offer. But the offer never came . Why? Here are the 8 most common reasons you didn’t get the job: 1. You didn’t convince the employer you are the best candidate Many candidates ...
Looking for reasons to go back to school? Upgrading your education with an advanced degree can mean honing your skills, learning new specializations and entering the job market as a stronger, more versatile employee. Even if you've been away from school for a period ...
When writing your entry level resume or internship resume, there is one line that is optional on your resume: your GPA. I often get asked whether to include it or not. The answer is simple: include it if your GPA will help you or will ...
Most job searches are conducted based upon a wrong premise: they are run with “How can I get a job?” as the foundation. Yes, there are plenty of job search mechanics that you can do to help you get a job. We talk about a ...
You just had a great interview and now you’re waiting for the next step. And waiting. And waiting. But the call never comes. Why? Having conducted more than 10,000 interviews in my career, I always made a point in following up with candidates ...
Having a great resume is only a start. A great resume will not get the job. Employers use resumes as a front-end screen of a candidate's education level and skills to decide who they want to bring in to interview. Getting the job ...
While you are in college, there is a constant barrage of activities taking place on a daily and weekly basis. So it can often be easy to lose the vision of why you are going to college in the first place: to prepare for life ...
It is more important than ever for job seekers to use their resumes as a way to set themselves apart from the competition. Here are some tips on how to write a successful resume. The Importance of a Well-Crafted Resume The main purpose of ...
Admittedly, you probably won't tell your grandchildren in the future that looking for a job was one of the greatest experiences of your life. Job hunting is tough, mentally and physically; it's fraught with worry, exhaustion, and the pangs of rejection. But it ...
The phone interview is often the first step toward an on-site interview. Since conducting in-person entry level interviews takes time and resources, many employers may elect to pre-screen job applicants through telephone interviews. Although a phone interview usually is not as pressure ...
I’ve reviewed more than 100,000 resumes in my career. Many resumes end up in the virtual trashcan due to committing one or more of these 9 resume sins: 1. No objective: I have no idea what you want to do. Maybe you don ...
I've conducted over 10,000 interviews in my career, so I've probably heard more than 100,000 candidate responses to my questions. Here are the five best interview responses I have ever received: 1. Let me show you. I had just asked the ...
Junior year of college is seen as the critical time for getting the much sought internship. While some of your peers may already have scored an internship, if you’ve waited until Junior year, time is up. You need to score an internship now. Why ...
The Internet is public. Remember that. So even when you think you are posting something privately, once it is released into the Internet ether, it is out of your control and potentially can be used against you in the future. This is especially important in ...
With a new calendar year upon us, many are making new year's resolutions of things they would like to accomplish in the coming year. For college Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors, one of those resolutions may be to find an internship. For a college Senior ...