You received a job offer. Congratulations! Yet you still have some important steps to take to bring your job search to a conclusion. There are two basic approaches to job offer negotiation: Acceptable job offer negotiation : where you would still accept the offer if nothing ...
Your resume is your digital representation of you. It is NOT paper and shouldn't be thought of as paper. That's old school. No one prints resumes and sends them off via mail anymore. A well written resume should serve three purposes: 1) survive ...
I’ve conducted over 2,000 interviews and have trained others in interviewing techniques covering hundreds of thousands of additional interviews. I have consistently trained others to avoid quickly forming first impressions in the interview, emphasizing the importance of competency-based behaviorally interviewing to dive ...
A user recently asked: “What are power words for resumes?” There are power words, but they are not what you think. Most resume guides tell you that power words are verbs like “delivered” and “developed” and “responsible for” etc. But the real power words are ...
A resume is a living, breathing document. As such, it is subject to change over the course of your career . Sometimes the most difficult work for a writer is editing and updating their own work. The same applies to resumes. When the time comes to ...
Have you ever wondered how the interview is going during or after the interview? Are there any telltale signs that will indicate how things are going? Yes, there are. If you are adept (and I mean truly adept) at reading body language , you can read ...
You’ve probably seen word clouds before. Here is an example of a word cloud: This word cloud was generated from a job posting at using a free online tool at . A word cloud is a graphical representation of a ...
I’ve got three awesome interview hacks. Actually, I’ve got a lot more than three, but if you just use these three, they will set you apart from your competition and generate job offers. Why? Because almost no other candidates use them. First, best ...
You finally have the coveted interview lined up. Yet to be fully prepared, there is still one step left for you to take before the interview. What is it? Practice. You need to practice interview, or mock interview , before your actual interview. But most candidates ...
We have all seen clickbait. Yes, it can be irritating. And sometimes rather corny. But it’s also effective. If it didn’t work, advertisers wouldn’t use it. The entire point of clickbait is to get you to want more so that you click ...
Congratulations! You’ve been called to schedule your on-site interview . This will be the next and possibly the final step on your path to a job offer . Take time in advance to prep for what you will be doing to make your interview day ...
A question recently came up from a job seeker: "Should I be using LinkedIn in my job search?" The answer is yes, but how you use LinkedIn is equally important. LinkedIn is the largest business networking site on the planet. Think of it as a ...
Over the course of my career, I have reviewed more than 100,000 resumes. As a corollary, it’s also important to note how many resumes I have not reviewed . It is a number several times higher than the number actually reviewed. The resumes not ...
The classic interview non-question is: Tell me about yourself . It’s not a question and it’s not considered to be a very good interview question, since it is vague and not specific. Yet it has one thing in common with the very best ...
Most practiced interviewers have a standard set of questions for each competency they are evaluating. Just as you might feel you have answered the same set of questions over and over again (sometimes even within the same day), the same thing happens on the other ...
Are you ready for your interview? Are you sure? In my role as VP of Global Talent Acquisition at Amazon, I spent time training our interviewers to be great interviewers. In addition to teaching them the S-T-A-R behavioral interviewing approach , I taught ...
In my last blog article , I talked about how to use the S-T-A-R (Situation or Task, Action you took, Results you achieved) method to answer any interview question, behavioral or not, with behavioral answers. The reality is that very few interviewers use ...
In my role as VP of Global Talent Acquisition at Amazon, I took the time to personally train our Amazon interviewers on how to behaviorally interview candidates. The foundation of behavioral interviewing is based upon probability statistics that show that past behaviors are the best ...
You apply for a job online. Then wait. And wait. Wait some more. But the phone call never comes. Why not? It may be because you are saying something with your resume that you did not realize and did not intend. Use this checklist to ...
There are now more than 100,000 different job sites. Which are the best and how can you effectively use them? Follow these six steps: 1. Search for the right job site. The best job sites are those that are specific for your needs. These ...
Many college students think that their job search is over once they have accepted the offer. The job search may be over but the reality is that your work is just starting. Literally. What you do now will directly affect your career trajectory well into ...
Many articles have been written about the cover letter and the resume being dead. Anything based on paper is irrelevant. So in this digital age, are the cover letter and resume dead? Or at least becoming irrelevant? No, far from it. If anything, the digital ...
You’ve got an internship this summer. Good for you! You have taken a great first step on the path toward developing yourself into a top entry level candidate. Getting an internship is a good start. But it’s not enough just to have an ...
One of the most common questions asked by entry level job seekers is: “Why am I not getting any interviews?” This lament is often followed by a general description of the activities the job seeker has performed, which usually includes sending out hundreds of resumes ...
You’ve finished your resume. Great first step. But it’s only the first step. Now you need to put it into action. Many college students make the mistake of finishing their resume, then exclusively using the “post-and-pray” method for sending out their ...